
If you want to change the world, start with yourself!

sâmbătă, 9 mai 2009

ABC of Life...

A ccept differences
B e kind
C lean the black spots of your soul
D ream
E xplore
F orgive
G ive what you love more
H ave good feelings for your friends
I magine more
J oin the happiness
K eep your promises
L earn to Love to Listen
M ake happy the persons around you
N urture hope
O pen your mind
P lay with children
Q uell rumours
R emember to have the soul of a child
S mile everytime
T ouch souls
U nderstand
V alue truth
W in respect
X eriscape the mountain
Y earn for peace
Z ealously support people with many needs...

Un comentariu:

  1. ca de obicei m-ai lasat ....8-> foarte tare ...domnu dan :))) domnisoara:P:*:*:*
